Scale Protection Wins Inflow Tracer Contract with Equinor

Scale Protection (now renamed Completion Tracer) has been awarded a contract by Equinor for the the installation and analysis of PhaseTrace reservoir inflow tracers in the Blåbjørn subsea well, which will be tied back to the Åsgard A FPSO in the Norwegian Sea.

The inflow tracers will be installed in the well early this summer. The production of the tracer-rods for installation in the lower well completion, and the analysis of oil and water samples from the field, will both be executed at Scale Protection’s premises in Harstad, Norway.

Marius Stamnes, Vice President for Sales & Services says: “This is the first reservoir inflow tracer contract that has been awarded to Scale Protection (now renamed Completion Tracer) by Equinor, and it is a major milestone for our company after a long process of both technology and vendor qualification.”

“We look forward to delivering the inflow tracers to Equinor for this well and further cooperation with regards to inflow tracers. This award along with other on-going inflow tracer projects in Canada and Norway gives us valuable track record for our new product”, says CEO Ole Magnar Drønen.


CEO Ole Magnar Drønen,, +47 91893702

VP Sales & Services: Marius Stamnes,, +47 90180064

News Articles: (+) [NO]


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